Nature Immunology:宿主抗感染固有免疫新机制研究在国家自然科学基金 (项目批准号31270918, 81222030等)的支持下,厦门大学生命科学学院周大旺教授与陈兰芬教授研究团队发现了吞噬性细胞Hippo信号通路关键激酶Mst1和Mst2参与固有免疫清除病原体的分子机制,该研究成果于2015年11月以“Kinases Mst1 and Mst2 positively regulate phagocytic induction of reactive oxygen species and bactericidal activity”(《Mst1和Mst2激酶通过调节吞噬小泡募集并释放ROS清除病原体》)为题在Nature子刊Nature Immunology上作为封面论文发表。当病原体感染机体时,固有免疫系统的吞噬性细胞迅速响应,通过其活化后发挥的吞噬和杀伤作用清除病原体。吞噬性细胞将病原体内吞后形成吞噬小泡,并协同招募线粒体使其向吞噬小泡内释放大量反应性氧化物(ROS),然而这一过程的具体分子机制尚不清楚。周大旺教授研究课题组长期从事Hippo通路研究,通过基因敲除、敲入或转基因手段发现了Hippo通路在组织稳态维持中的重要作用,曾在Nature Immunology、J Exp Med、Cell Reports、Nature Communications等杂志上发表多篇论文揭示固有免疫与组织稳态的细胞与分子机制。在本研究中,他们发现吞噬性细胞内Hippo信号通路关键激酶Mst1和Mst2能通过活化Rac家族蛋白来调节线粒体向吞噬小泡募集并释放(ROS)来清除病原体,揭示了失活的Rac1/2是通过与TRAF6紧密结合来破坏TRAF6-ECSIT复合体,使得产生的ROS大大减少进而增加了对病原体的易感性。
该研究成果从固有免疫和宿主防御角度解析了人的Mst1基因缺失或Rac2基因突变引发免疫缺陷综合症的致病机理,为研究人类感染性疾病提供了全新视角。由于Hippo通路缺失与人的Rac2的失活突变引起的人类免疫缺陷综合症表型十分相似,该成果同时解析了人的Mst1基因缺失或Rac2基因突变引发免疫缺陷综合症的致病机理,为该疾病的治疗提供了可能的细胞和分子生物学依据,同时也为研究人类感染性疾病提供了全新的视角。这项工作被选为Nature Immunity(《自然 免疫学》)杂志选为当期的封面论文发表。
Kinases Mst1 and Mst2 positively regulate phagocytic induction of reactive oxygen species and bactericidal activity
Jing Geng Xiufeng Sun Ping Wang Shihao Zhang Xiaozhen Wang Hongtan Wu Lixin Hong Changchuan Xie Xun Li Hao Zhao Qingxu Liu Mingting Jiang Qinghua Chen Jinjia Zhang Yang Li Siyang Song Hong-Rui Wang Rongbin Zhou Randy L Johnson Kun-Yi Chien Sheng-Cai Lin Jiahuai Han Joseph Avruch Lanfen Chen Dawang Zhou
Mitochondria need to be juxtaposed to phagosomes for the synergistic production of ample reactive oxygen species (ROS) in phagocytes to kill pathogens. However, how phagosomes transmit signals to recruit mitochondria has remained unclear. Here we found that the kinases Mst1 and Mst2 functioned to control ROS production by regulating mitochondrial trafficking and mitochondrion-phagosome juxtaposition. Mst1 and Mst2 activated the GTPase Rac to promote Toll-like receptor (TLR)-triggered assembly of the TRAF6-ECSIT complex that is required for the recruitment of mitochondria to phagosomes. Inactive forms of Rac, including the human Rac2D57N mutant, disrupted the TRAF6-ECSIT complex by sequestering TRAF6 and substantially diminished ROS production and enhanced susceptibility to bacterial infection. Our findings demonstrate that the TLR-Mst1-Mst2-Rac signaling axis is critical for effective phagosome-mitochondrion function and bactericidal activity. 本帖最后由 ipsvirus 于 2015-11-19 13:30 编辑
著名免疫学家Lynda M Stuart和Adam Lacy-Hulbert在同期Nature Immunology(《自然 免疫学》)的News and Views (新闻与评述) 栏目发表了的评论 (Nature Immunology 2015;16, 1107–1108),进一步解释了该发现的重要意义。论文同时被作为亮点在Nature Reviews Immunology(《自然综述 免疫学》)以专文介绍
De-Mst-ifying microbicidal killing