他们发现一种也存在于人类细胞中的特殊宿主蛋白:ANP32A充当“内鬼”(insider),在病毒进入到细胞中后帮助了病毒复制。禽流感病毒无法利用哺乳动物的ANP32A,除非它们携带一种特殊的突变,那就是蛋白PB2中的 一个特定变异E627K。
论文的资深作者、伦敦大学帝国理工学院医学系教授Wendy Barclay解释说:“世界上所有的人类流感病毒最初都是来自于鸟类。但幸运地是,病毒并不经常从鸟类跳跃至人类,这是因为病毒无法在我们的细胞中进行复制。一些病毒能够转移到人类,是因为它们以多种方式发生了突变。这使得它们在细胞内获得了立足点,劫持了细胞机器进行复制。” “直到现在,我们才清楚禽流感病毒必须改变自身来劫持人类细胞机器的机制。我们的研究表明这都是因为一种叫做ANP32A的细胞蛋白。”
论文的主要作者、医学系的Jason Long说:“我们的实验还表明,从细胞中除去这一宿主蛋白可以阻止病毒感染,表明它对这种病毒非常重要。下一阶段我们将开始调查可以阻断病毒与细胞间这种特殊互作,有望阻止病毒的治疗方法。”
Species difference in ANP32A underlies influenza A virus polymerase host restriction
Jason S. Long,Efstathios S. Giotis,Olivier Moncorgé, Rebecca Frise, Bhakti Mistry, Joe James, Mireille Morisson, Munir Iqbal, Alain Vignal, Michael A. Skinner & Wendy S. Barclay
Influenza pandemics occur unpredictably when zoonotic influenza viruses with novel antigenicity acquire the ability to transmit amongst humans1. Host range breaches are limited by incompatibilities between avian virus components and the human host. Barriers include receptor preference, virion stability and poor activity of the avian virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase in human cells2. Mutants of the heterotrimeric viral polymerase components, particularly PB2 protein, are selected during mammalian adaptation, but their mode of action is unknown3, 4, 5, 6. We show that a species-specific difference in host protein ANP32A accounts for the suboptimal function of avian virus polymerase in mammalian cells. Avian ANP32A possesses an additional 33 amino acids between the leucine-rich repeats and carboxy-terminal low-complexity acidic region domains. In mammalian cells, avian ANP32A rescued the suboptimal function of avian virus polymerase to levels similar to mammalian-adapted polymerase. Deletion of the avian-specific sequence from chicken ANP32A abrogated this activity, whereas its insertion into human ANP32A, or closely related ANP32B, supported avian virus polymerase function. Substitutions, such as PB2(E627K), were rapidly selected upon infection of humans with avian H5N1 or H7N9 influenza viruses, adapting the viral polymerase for the shorter mammalian ANP32A. Thus ANP32A represents an essential host partner co-opted to support influenza virus replication and is a candidate host target for novel antivirals.