bigben446 发表于 2016-5-9 23:38:52

Heinz Schaller,海德堡,德国——HBV相关实验室及人物介绍系列

本帖最后由 bigben446 于 2016-5-10 00:03 编辑

Heinz Schaller,是乙肝领域一个传奇人物实验室位于海德堡,德国相当多乙肝研究都有和他合作,已于前几年去世。

.      Schlicht, H.J. and H. Schaller, The secretory core protein of human hepatitis B virus is expressed on the cell surface. J Virol, 1989. 63(12): p. 5399-404. .      Galle, P.R., et al., Replication of duck hepatitis B virus in primary duck hepatocytes and its dependence on the state of differentiation of the host cell. Hepatology, 1989. 10(4): p. 459-65. .      Schlicht, H.J., R. Bartenschlager and H. Schaller, The duck hepatitis B virus core protein contains a highly phosphorylated C terminus that is essential for replication but not for RNA packaging. J Virol, 1989. 63(7): p. 2995-3000. .      Nassal, M., P.R. Galle and H. Schaller, Proteaselike sequence in hepatitis B virus core antigen is not required for e antigen generation and may not be part of an aspartic acid-type protease. J Virol, 1989. 63(6): p. 2598-604. .      Salfeld, J., et al., Antigenic determinants and functional domains in core antigen and e antigen fromhepatitis B virus. J Virol, 1989. 63(2): p. 798-808. .      Schlicht, H.J., G. Radziwill and H. Schaller, Synthesis and encapsidation of duck hepatitis B virus reverse transcriptase do not require formation of core-polymerase fusion proteins. Cell, 1989. 56(1): p. 85-92. .      Theilmann, L., et al., Detection of hepatitis B virus core gene products in sera and liver of HBV-infected individuals. J Hepatol, 1989. 8(1): p. 77-85. .      Schlicht, H.J. and H. Schaller, Analysis of hepatitis B virus gene functions in tissue culture and in vivo. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol, 1989. 144: p. 253-63. .      Bosch, V., et al., The duck hepatitis B virus P-gene codes for protein strongly associated with the5'-end of the viral DNA minus strand. Virology, 1988. 166(2): p. 475-85..      Galle, P.R., et al., Production of infectious duck hepatitis B virus in a human hepatoma cell line. J Virol, 1988. 62(5): p. 1736-40..      Radziwill, G., et al., The duck hepatitis B virus DNA polymerase is tightly associated with the viral core structure and unable to switch to an exogenous template. Virology, 1988. 163(1): p. 123-32..      Junker, M., P. Galle and H. Schaller, Expression and replication of the hepatitis B virus genome under foreign promoter control. Nucleic Acids Res, 1987. 15(24): p. 10117-32..      Schlicht, H.J., J. Salfeld and H. Schaller, The duck hepatitis B virus pre-C region encodes a signal sequence which is essential for synthesis and secretion of processed core proteins but not for virus formation. J Virol, 1987. 61(12): p. 3701-9..      Schlicht, H.J., et al., Biochemical and immunological characterization of the duck hepatitis B virus envelope proteins. J Virol, 1987. 61(7): p. 2280-5..      Pfaff, E., et al., Synthesis of the X-protein of hepatitis B virus in vitro and detection of anti-Xantibodies in human sera. Virology, 1987. 158(2): p. 456-60..      Will, H., et al., Replication strategy of human hepatitis B virus. J Virol, 1987. 61(3): p. 904-11..      Schlicht, H.J., P. Galle and H. Schaller, The hepatitis-B viruses: molecular biology and recent tissue culture systems. J Cell Sci Suppl, 1987. 7: p. 197-212..      Klinkert, M.Q., et al., Pre-S1 antigens and antibodies early in the course of acute hepatitis B virus infection. J Virol, 1986. 58(2): p. 522-5..      Theilmann, L., et al., Detection of pre-S1 proteins in serum and liver of HBsAg-positive patients: a new marker for hepatitis B virus infection. Hepatology, 1986. 6(2): p. 186-90..      Pfaff, E., et al., Characterization of large surface proteins of hepatitis B virus by antibodies topreS-S encoded amino acids. Virology, 1986. 148(1): p. 15-22..      Sprengel, R., et al., Comparative sequence analysis of duck and human hepatitis B virus genomes. J Med Virol, 1985. 15(4): p. 323-33..      Buscher, M., et al., Transcripts and the putative RNA pregenome of duck hepatitis B virus: implications for reverse transcription. Cell, 1985. 40(3): p. 717-24..      Will, H., et al., Infectious hepatitis B virus from cloned DNA of known nucleotide sequence. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 1985. 82(3): p. 891-5..      Cattaneo, R., H. Will and H. Schaller, Hepatitis B virus transcription in the infected liver. EMBO J, 1984. 3(9): p. 2191-6..      Will, H., et al., Expression of hepatitis B antigens with a simian virus 40 vector. J Virol, 1984. 50(2): p. 335-42..      Cattaneo, R., et al., Signals regulating hepatitis B surface antigen transcription. Nature, 1983. 305(5932): p. 336-8..      Will, H., et al., Hepatitis B after infection of a chimpanzee with cloned HBV DNA. Dev Biol Stand, 1983. 54: p. 131-3..      Will, H., et al., Cloned HBV DNA causes hepatitis in chimpanzees. Nature, 1982. 299(5885): p. 740-2..      Will, H., et al., Structure and function of the hepatitis B virus genome. Princess Takamatsu Symp, 1982. 12: p. 237-47..      MacKay, P., et al., Production of immunologically active surface antigens of hepatitis B virus by Escherichia coli. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 1981. 78(7): p. 4510-4..      Pasek, M., et al., Hepatitis B virus genes and their expression in E. coli. Nature, 1979. 282(5739): p. 575-9.

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