wwwkkk83 发表于 2016-6-3 09:08:28


http://www.bioon.com/fckup/2016/6/pharmon201606021442065491.png 在一项I期临床试验研究中,来自美国加州大学洛杉矶分校等多家机构的研究人员说,一种实验性病毒治疗方法可能延长患有一种很难治疗的脑癌病人的寿命。相关研究结果发表在2016年6月1日那期Science Translational Medicine期刊上,论文标题为“Phase 1 trial of vocimagene amiretrorepvec and 5-fluorocytosine for recurrent high-grade glioma”。



论文第一作者、加州大学洛杉矶分校神经肿瘤学项目主任Timothy Cloughesy博士说,“这些临床数据首次证实这种与一种抗真菌药物联合使用的疗法杀死癌细胞,似乎激活人体免疫系统抵抗它们,同时不伤害健康细胞。”




论文通信作者、美国克利夫兰诊所脑瘤神经肿瘤学中心副主任Michael Vogelbaum博士说,“脑癌是一种致命性疾病,当它复发时,很少有治疗方案存在。”

这种治疗方法的作用机制为:可注射的Toca 511(编者注:Tocagen公司开发的一种非裂解性逆转录病毒复制型载体)经注射到病人体内后,感染活跃分裂的癌细胞,并且运送编码胞嘧啶脱氨酶的基因到这些癌细胞中。在肿瘤内部,Toca 511对癌细胞进行编程,产生胞嘧啶脱氨酶,从而为第二阶段治疗做好准备。

在第二个治疗阶段中,病人服用抗真菌药物Toca FC(编者注:也是由Tocagen公司开发的)。Toca 511触发的癌细胞遗传变化所产生的胞嘧啶脱氨酶将Toca FC转化为抗癌药物5-氟尿嘧啶(5-Fluorouracil, 5-FU)。

研究人员解释道,这能够针对性地导致被Toca 511感染的癌细胞和帮助肿瘤躲避宿主免疫系统的细胞死亡,同时不会伤害健康细胞。



Vogelbaum说,“这项病毒研究的总体结果,包括备感鼓舞的存活期和优异安全性数据,支持正在进行中的被称作Toca 5的II/III期临床试验,并且有望为脑癌病人提供一种新的治疗方案。”(生物谷 )Phase 1 trial of vocimagene amiretrorepvec and 5-fluorocytosine for recurrent high-grade glioma
Timothy F. Cloughesy1, Joseph Landolfi2, Daniel J. Hogan3, Stephen Bloomfield2, Bob Carter4, Clark C. Chen4, J. Bradley Elder5, Steven N. Kalkanis6, Santosh Kesari4,*, Albert Lai1, Ian Y. Lee6, Linda M. Liau1, Tom Mikkelsen6,†, Phioanh Leia Nghiemphu1, David Piccioni4, Tobias Walbert6, Alice Chu3, Asha Das3, Oscar R. Diago3, Dawn Gammon3, Harry E. Gruber3, Michelle Hanna7,8, Douglas J. Jolly3, Noriyuki Kasahara9, David McCarthy7, Leah Mitchell3, Derek Ostertag3, Joan M. Robbins3, Maria Rodriguez-Aguirre3 and Michael A. VogelbaumToca 511 (vocimagene amiretrorepvec) is an investigational nonlytic, retroviral replicating vector (RRV) that delivers a yeast cytosine deaminase, which converts subsequently administered courses of the investigational prodrug Toca FC (extended-release 5-fluorocytosine) into the antimetabolite 5-fluorouracil. Forty-five subjects with recurrent or progressive high-grade glioma were treated. The end points of this phase 1, open-label, ascending dose, multicenter trial included safety, efficacy, and molecular profiling; survival was compared to a matching subgroup from an external control. Overall survival for recurrent high-grade glioma was 13.6 months (95% confidence interval, 10.8 to 20.0) and was statistically improved relative to an external control (hazard ratio, 0.45; P = 0.003). Tumor samples from subjects surviving more than 52 weeks after Toca 511 delivery disproportionately displayed a survival-related mRNA expression signature, identifying a potential molecular signature that may correlate with treatment-related survival rather than being prognostic. Toca 511 and Toca FC show excellent tolerability, with RRV persisting in the tumor and RRV control systemically. The favorable assessment of Toca 511 and Toca FC supports confirmation in a randomized phase 2/3 trial (NCT02414165).
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查看完整版本: Science子刊:I期临床试验表明实验性病毒疗法有望治疗脑癌