推荐图书:Immunology of infection (third edition)
本帖最后由 ipsvirus 于 2015-6-2 14:59 编辑Methods in MicrobiologyVolume37Immunology of InfectionThirdEdition
Edited by Dieter KabelitzInstitute of Immunology, UniversityofKiel, Kiel, Germany and Stefan HE KaufmannDepartment of Immunology, Max-P lanck-InstituteforInfection Biology, Berlin,Germany
We are pleased that a third edition of this volume is now available. Immunology continues to be a rapidly moving field, and so is the progress in the development of new technologies, methods and in vivo models. Therefore, the third edition contains a number of new chapters on topics not present in previous editions, including the magnetic isolation of subcellular compartments, the isolation and characterization of antimicrobial peptides, proteomic approaches to the study ofimmune reactions, functional analysis of phagocyte extracellular traps, analysis of mucosal immunity and animal models of mucosal candidainfection.Inaddition,thisvolumeincludes updatesofseveralchaptersinwhichrecentprogresshas requiredthe incorporation ofnew developmentsinthefield. We are very gratefulto allourcolleagueswho havecontributedneworrevised chapterstothis volume,and weappreciatetheircommitment of timeandwillingness to sharetheirinvaluableexperience withreaders.Wewouldliketothankthe editorial staff of ElsevierPublishers, notablyLisaTickner,NarmadaThangaveluand SujathaThirugnanasambandam, fortheirtremendous effort inthepreparation ofthethird edition. Lastbut not least, we greatly appreciatethesupportandfantasticdedicationofBirgit SchlengaandMary LouiseGrossmanfortheirsecretarial assistance.We sincerelyhope thatyoufindthisnew edition helpful inyour research,andwe welcome your suggestionsforfutureimprovements to this volume.