ipsvirus 发表于 2018-1-29 20:13:00


在从世界海洋中获取的水样本中占主导地位的一类病毒长期以来一直没有得到分析,这是因为它具有利用标准的测试方法无法检测到的特征。然而,如今,在一项新的研究中,来自美国麻省理工学院和阿尔伯特-爱因斯坦医学院的研究人员成功地分离出和研究这类难以捉摸的病毒中的一些代表性病毒。这类病毒提供了病毒进化过程中一个关键的缺失环节,并且在调节细菌群体中发挥着重要的作用。相关探究结果于2018年1月24日在线发表在Nature期刊上,论文标题为“A major lineage of non-tailed dsDNA viruses as unrecognized killers of marine bacteria”。
图片来自CC0 Public Domain。

病毒是主要的细菌捕食者,而且这些研究结果提示着目前的细菌病毒(即噬菌体)多样性的观点存在着一个主要的盲点。这些结论是由麻省理工学院的博士后研究员Kathryn Kauffman、土木与环境工程教授Martin Polz、阿尔伯特-爱因斯坦医学院的Libusha Kelly教授等人通过对海洋样本进行详细分析而得出的。


美国南加州大学海洋生物学教授Jed Fuhrman(未参与这项研究)说,这项研究“为我们进一步理解病毒在海洋中的作用开辟了新的途径”。他说:“从实际意义上说,这也表明我们如何需要改变一些常用的方法来捕获这些病毒用于各种研究。我认为这是这个领域的重大进展。”






这些发现的另一个重要方面是Autolykiviridae经证实是一种古老的病毒谱系的成员,这种病毒谱系具有特定类型的衣壳---包裹着病毒DNA的蛋白外壳。尽管这种病毒谱系已知在动物和原生生物中是多样化的,包括感染人类的腺病毒和感染藻类的巨病毒(giant virus),但是很少发现这类感染细菌的病毒。

(生物谷 Bioon.com)

ipsvirus 发表于 2018-1-29 20:14:23

A major lineage of non-tailed dsDNA viruses as unrecognized killers of marine bacteria

Kathryn M. Kauffman, Fatima A. Hussain, Joy Yang, Philip Arevalo, Julia M. Brown, William K. Chang, David VanInsberghe, Joseph Elsherbini, Radhey S. Sharma, Michael B. Cutler, Libusha Kelly & Martin F. Polz

The most abundant viruses on Earth are thought to be double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) viruses that infect bacteria1. However, tailed bacterial dsDNA viruses (Caudovirales), which dominate sequence and culture collections, are not representative of the environmental diversity of viruses2,3. In fact, non-tailed viruses often dominate ocean samples numerically4, raising the fundamental question of the nature of these viruses. Here we characterize a group of marine dsDNA non-tailed viruses with short 10-kb genomes isolated during a study that quantified the diversity of viruses infecting Vibrionaceae bacteria. These viruses, which we propose to name the Autolykiviridae, represent a novel family within the ancient lineage of double jelly roll (DJR) capsid viruses. Ecologically, members of the Autolykiviridae have a broad host range, killing on average 34 hosts in four Vibrio species, in contrast to tailed viruses which kill on average only two hosts in one species. Biochemical and physical characterization of autolykiviruses reveals multiple virion features that cause systematic loss of DJR viruses in sequencing and culture-based studies, and we describe simple procedural adjustments to recover them. We identify DJR viruses in the genomes of diverse major bacterial and archaeal phyla, and in marine water column and sediment metagenomes, and find that their diversity greatly exceeds the diversity that is currently captured by the three recognized families of such viruses. Overall, these data suggest that viruses of the non-tailed dsDNA DJR lineage are important but often overlooked predators of bacteria and archaea that impose fundamentally different predation and gene transfer regimes on microbial systems than on tailed viruses, which form the basis of all environmental models of bacteria–virus interactions.

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查看完整版本: Nature:震惊!在海洋中发现一类型新的病毒