PNAS:科研合作提高文献引用率年8月13日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/-- 根据最新PNAS上发表的一篇分析研究显示: 研究者之间长期密切合作并共同创作的论文被引用数比短期,少发表的合作关系产生的论文增加了17%。这一发现验证了人们怀疑了很久却没能定量或半定量证明出来的想法,为支持团队合作的研究政策提供了进一步数据支持。本文作者Alexander Michael Petersen工作于意大利的IMT高等研究院,他分析了473位生物学家和物理学家整个职业生涯发表过的论文,包括了16.6万位合作者和总共9.4万篇论文。Petersen的分析侧重于成对的研究人员,而不是更大的团队,不过科研工作已日益成为以跨学科和团队为基础,这些年来文章作者名单已经一直在增长。他发现60%到80%的科学家与其他同事的合作历时仅一年或更少。1%左右的合作跨越了二十年以上。这些“超级关系”,类似于伴侣研究,往往共同发表的超过50%以上的论文。他甚至发现“双胞胎”的例子——这些科学家共同发表几乎所有的论文。“超级关系”的现象表明,他们其实源自基于成本、风险、回报共享和互补技能匹配的职业策略。研究人员随后结合使用描述性和panel regression的方法,比较“超级关系”下以共同作者身份发表的文章和没有“超级关系”的论文,并控制其他一些如年龄,声望,团队规模,和以往的经验等因素对分析的影响。研究发现,“超级关系”下的作者们贡献了高于平均水平数目的文章量,并且文章的被引用次数平均每篇增加17%。至此,研究人员确认了研究的这种伙伴关系,是科学事业的发展的主要因素。研究结果还强调合作的串联特性,提出了为什么合作在衰减的问题。“超级关系”的延续和传递能帮助科学家加强科研合作关系,也是未来需要解决的问题。科学家们想要蓬勃自己的职业生涯,特别是工作早期,了解合作关系在项目中的角色十分必要。并且个人可以通过共同发表文章来壮大自己的简历。机构的政策制定者同样应该考虑合作的好处和文献量膨胀的可能性。(生物谷生物谷原创编译整理,欢迎转载。转载请注明来源并附原文链接。更多资讯就在生物谷资讯APP。 10.1073/pnas.1501444112Quantifying the impact of weak, strong, and super ties in scientific careersAlexander Michael PetersenAbstractScientists are frequently faced with the important decision to start or terminate a creative partnership. This process can be influenced by strategic motivations, as early career researchers are pursuers, whereas senior researchers are typically attractors, of new collaborative opportunities. Focusing on the longitudinal aspects of scientific collaboration, we analyzed 473 collaboration profiles using an egocentric perspective that accounts for researcher-specific characteristics and provides insight into a range of topics, from career achievement and sustainability to team dynamics and efficiency. From more than 166,000 collaboration records, we quantify the frequency distributions of collaboration duration and tie strength, showing that collaboration networks are dominated by weak ties characterized by high turnover rates. We use analytic extreme value thresholds to identify a new class of indispensable super ties, the strongest of which commonly exhibit >50% publication overlap with the central scientist. The prevalence of super ties suggests that they arise from career strategies based upon cost, risk, and reward sharing and complementary skill matching. We then use a combination of descriptive and panel regression methods to compare the subset of publications coauthored with a super tie to the subset without one, controlling for pertinent features such as career age, prestige, team size, and prior group experience. We find that super ties contribute to above-average productivity and a 17% citation increase per publication, thus identifying these partnerships—the analog of life partners—as a major factor in science career development.