cao1976 发表于 2015-8-29 09:00:10


原帖由davay'发表于 2009-7-24 23:47 :


cao1976 发表于 2015-8-29 09:00:43

xray19发表于 2009-7-25 00:36 :


cao1976 发表于 2015-8-29 09:01:42

bigben发表于 2009-7-25 02:28 :

Nagaya, T., et al. , The mode of hepatitis B virus DNA integration in chromosomes of human hepatocellular carcinoma. Genes & development, 1987. 1(8): p. 773-782.

Figure1.Structureof theintegrated HBV sequences.Atthetop of thefigure,the whole HBV genomeisrepresented.Thelongthin lineshowsthe minus strand withthe DNA-linked protein(0),theshortthinlinerepresentsthe plusstrand. Thelengthof the HBV genomeisindicatedin kilobases,numberingfromthe hypotheticalEcoRIsite of sybtype adr (Ono etal.1983; Fujiyama etal.1983).
Open reading frames and their direction of transcriptionare represented by filled arrows. (S) HBsAg (preS), pre-S region;(C) HBcAg;(X) X gene. The P gene is omittedfor clarity. DR1, DR2 are the11-bp direct repeats whose starting points are 1590 and1824, respectively. Theregionin between DR1and DR2isthecohesiveendregion.HBV genomeregionsthatare covered bytheintegratedvirus DNA are shown by solid bars. The virus DNAthat has one continuousportion(s)of a circular HBV genomeis represented by a singlesolid bar alignedinthesame level. Deletionsinthe genomeare represented by dottedlines. Thecomplex-type virus DNA thatconsistsof twoor more HBV genomes whoseregionsare overlapping,atleastin part,isrepresentedby multiplesolidbarsalignedindifferent levels,each representingdifferent unitsof the virus genome,and connectedby tilteddottedlines.Solidthinlinesrepresent flanking human DNA. Encircled numeralsshowthe number of the humanchromosomein whichthe flanking DNA was assigned (see text). L indicatesthatthe cloning vector is directly joinedto the virus DNA. Aluand Satellite III indicatethatthe cell DNA at the junctionis homologoustoeither Alurepeatingsequenceor SatelliteIII sequence,respectively.

cao1976 发表于 2015-8-29 09:02:12

bigben发表于 2009-7-25 02:35

Distribution of the viral integration sites on the chromosome map
Target genes searched by viral insertion

Murakami, Y., et al. , Large scaled analysis of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA integration in HBV related hepatocellular carcinomas. Gut, 2005. 54(8): p. 1162-8.

cao1976 发表于 2015-8-29 09:02:55

davay发表于 2009-7-25 13:01 :正是我要的,非常感谢。

cao1976 发表于 2015-8-29 09:03:02

davay发表于 2009-7-25 13:01 :正是我要的,非常感谢。

cao1976 发表于 2015-8-29 09:03:35

emma0802发表于 2010-6-20 20:21 :

看了几个帖子,对各位版主的敬仰犹如…………也不知道各位是看了超多的文献还是具有超强的整理知识的能力 :)
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