本帖最后由 ms003 于 2015-10-10 08:49 编辑流感甲型病毒的表面抗原会经常发生细小变异,这种变异被称为“飘变”(drift),形象地说,“飘变”就是病毒会通过细小的变化伪装自己,从而达到躲避人体免疫系统识别的目的。甲型病毒“飘变”的结果是流感每年都会发生,每年引发流感的毒株都有可能不同,人们每年都需要重新接种流感疫苗进行预防。
Antigen dift and shift are the two mainreasons for the form of mutant virus.
Antigen dift : permanent and usually small changes in the antigenicity of influenza
A viruses It is the basis for the regular occurrence of influenza epidemics.
Antigen shift :major changes in the antigenicity of an influenza virus. It is the basis for the flu epidemics, pandemics.