
标题: Immunity:青蛙粘液中的一种宿主防御肽可杀死众多流感病毒... [打印本页]

作者: ghx0123    时间: 2017-4-20 23:02
标题: Immunity:青蛙粘液中的一种宿主防御肽可杀死众多流感病毒...
青蛙粘液含有杀死细菌和病毒的分子,而且科学家们正开始研究利用它作为一种新的抗微生物药物的潜在来源。在一项新的研究中,来自美国埃默里大学、西奈山伊坎医学院和印度拉吉夫-甘地生物技术中心的研究人员报道,在印度南部的一种色彩鲜艳的网球大小的青蛙物种Hydrophylax bahuvistara中,一种“宿主防御肽(host defense peptide)”能够消灭多种流感病毒毒株(如1934年记录在案的流感病毒,当今的流感病毒)。这些研究人员将这种新鉴定出的肽命名为“urumin”。相关研究结果发表在2017年4月18日的Immunity期刊上,论文标题为“An Amphibian Host Defense Peptide Is Virucidal for Human H1 Hemagglutinin-Bearing Influenza Viruses”。

论文通信作者、埃默里大学流感专家Joshy Jacob说,“根据青蛙的栖息地不同,不同的青蛙制造不同的肽。我们本身也制造宿主防御肽。它是所有有机体拥有的一种自然的先天免疫调节剂。我们刚好发现这种青蛙制造的一种宿主防御肽刚好有效地抵抗H1流感病毒。”





题目:An Amphibian Host Defense Peptide Is Virucidal for Human H1 Hemagglutinin-Bearing Influenza Viruses

Although vaccines confer protection against influenza A viruses, antiviral treatment becomes the first line of defense during pandemics because there is insufficient time to produce vaccines. Current antiviral drugs are susceptible to drug resistance, and developing new antivirals is essential. We studied host defense peptides from the skin of the South Indian frog and demonstrated that one of these, which we named “urumin,” is virucidal for H1 hemagglutinin-bearing human influenza A viruses. This peptide specifically targeted the conserved stalk region of H1 hemagglutinin and was effective against drug-resistant H1 influenza viruses. Using electron microscopy, we showed that this peptide physically destroyed influenza virions. It also protected naive mice from lethal influenza infection. Urumin represents a unique class of anti-influenza virucide that specifically targets the hemagglutinin stalk region, similar to targeting of antibodies induced by universal influenza vaccines. Urumin therefore has the potential to contribute to first-line anti-viral treatments during influenza outbreaks.

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