
标题: Nature新闻:生病为什么会口苦? [打印本页]

作者: 梅没香    时间: 2015-5-10 21:24
标题: Nature新闻:生病为什么会口苦?

生病的人常常会抱怨他们的味觉发生了改变。根据Nature网站的新闻报告,研究人员现在证实这种感官变化是由于触发炎症的一种蛋白所引起。相比于正常小鼠,不能生成TNF-α蛋白的小鼠对苦味的敏感性降低。相关论文发表在4月21日的《大脑、行为和免疫》(Brain, Behavior, and Immunity)杂志上。



研究作者、Monell化学感官中心分子生物学家汪宏(Hong Wang,音译)说:“正常小鼠会在较低的浓度时辨别出这种味道。小鼠知道这是苦的,因此不会喜欢它。但如果没有TNF-α基因,那么小鼠将仅会在较高浓度时开始避开这种苦味溶液。”





Salk生物研究所神经免疫学家Jan-Sebastian Grigolei说,这是一个相对较新的概念。TNF-α属于一类称作为细胞因子的小信号分子,众所周知细胞因子在免疫反应中起重要作用。但研究人员发现细胞因子也帮助调控了身体其他的系统。


德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症中心的精神生物学家Robert Dantzer谨慎指出,新研究的结果可以有多种解释。在没有TNF-α的情况下成长有可能引起了遗传工程小鼠的发育异常,这有可能解释它们对苦味的耐受。




Regulation of bitter taste responses by tumor necrosis factor.文献检索:doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2015.04.001.
Inflammatory cytokines are important regulators of metabolism and food intake. Over production of inflammatory cytokines during bacterial and viral infections leads to anorexia and reduced food intake. However, it remains unclear whether any inflammatory cytokines are involved in the regulation of taste reception, the sensory mechanism governing food intake. Previously, we showed that tumor necrosis factor (TNF), a potent proinflammatory cytokine, is preferentially expressed in a subset of taste bud cells. The level of TNF in taste cells can be further induced by inflammatory stimuli. To investigate whether TNF plays a role in regulating taste responses, in this study, we performed taste behavioral tests and gustatory nerve recordings in TNF knockout mice. Behavioral tests showed that TNF-deficient mice are significantly less sensitive to the bitter compound quinine than wild-type mice, while their responses to sweet, umami, salty, and sour compounds are comparable to those of wild-type controls. Furthermore, nerve recording experiments showed that the chorda tympani nerve in TNF knockout mice is much less responsive to bitter compounds than that in wild-type mice. Chorda tympani nerve responses to sweet, umami, salty, and sour compounds are similar between TNF knockout and wild-type mice, consistent with the results from behavioral tests. We further showed that taste bud cells express the two known TNF receptors TNFR1 and TNFR2 and, therefore, are potential targets of TNF. Together, our results suggest that TNF signaling preferentially modulates bitter taste responses. This mechanism may contribute to taste dysfunction, particularly taste distortion, associated with infections and some chronic inflammatory diseases.

作者: rotavirus    时间: 2015-6-1 20:45

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