标题: 新冠病毒SARS-CoV-2传播力:高传染性和高隐蔽性 [打印本页] 作者: wwwkkk83 时间: 2022-5-11 15:25 标题: 新冠病毒SARS-CoV-2传播力:高传染性和高隐蔽性 华中科技大学同济医学院公共卫生学院团队《自然》论文“Reconstruction of the full transmission dynamics of COVID-19 in Wuhan” 揭示了新冠病毒具有两大特征:高传染性和高隐蔽性。在早期未采取干预措施的情况下,新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV或SARS-CoV-2)的再生系数R高达3.54,传染力远高于SARS-CoV和MERS-CoV等已知的冠状病毒。2021年8月23号,波士顿大学公共卫生学院发表在JAMA Internal Medicine的研究表明,新冠患者在出现症状前2天至第3天之间传染性最强,突出了其高隐蔽性。
Possible modes of transmission for SARS-CoV-2, including contact, droplet, airborne, fomite, fecal-oral, bloodborne, mother-to-child, and animal-to-human transmission. 新冠病毒的可能传播方式,包括接触、飞沫、空气传播、污染物、粪口传播、血源性传播、母婴传播和动物对人传播。(详见WHO简报: https://www.who.int/news-room/co ... vention-precautions )
《Nature Medicine》论文“Safety, tolerability and viral kinetics during SARS-CoV-2 human challenge” 公布了全球首个新冠人体挑战试验的结果:36名无新冠感染史、未接种疫苗的18-29岁自愿受试者纳入试验。受试者均通过鼻腔滴液的方式吸入了10倍TCID50(半数组织培养感染剂量)(equivalent to 55 FFU, focus-forming units per milliliter)的野生型新冠毒株(带D614G突变),其中18名受试者随后确诊为阳性。(10 TCID50 是一个非常低的剂量; In human challenge studies with other respiratory viruses, such as influenza viruses and respiratory syncytial virus, inoculum doses are typically also much higher at 104–106 TCID50 because all volunteers have been exposed multiple times throughout life to those viruses, with pre-existing immunity reducing susceptibility and resulting in substantially lower peak viral loads at 103–104 copies per milliliter by PCR.) 在接种后40小时,受试者咽拭子就能够检测出核酸阳性,即存在排毒风险;而鼻拭子在58小时后才能检测出,而且咽部的病灶形成也早于鼻部。在5-6天后受试者病毒载量达到最高,此时鼻部病毒载量更高,约为109拷贝。89% 感染了病毒的人出现症状,所有感染者的症状均为轻度到中度,但病毒载量与症状严重程度之间没有定量相关性,即使在无症状感染者中病毒载量也很高。在14天后受试者仍能检出核酸,到出院时也有80%受试者检出低水平阳性,28天后仍有少部分患者检出阳性,直至90天后完全转阴。但是活病毒持续的时间相对较短,在10天左右活病毒基本被机体清除,而核酸检出一直持续到14天以后。
2. 高隐蔽性:潜伏期(Incubation Periods)具有传染性
The period after infection but before the signs of disease are apparent is called the incubation period.
Virus Incubation period (days)
Influenza virus: 1–2
Rhinovirus: 1–3
Ebola virus: 2–21
Herpes simplex: 5–8
SARS-CoV-2: 5–7
Infectious period defines the time during which an individual is shedding virus that can be transmitted to others. Often, but not always, this coincides with signs of sickness. In some cases, such as ebolavirus, virus is not shed until symptoms appear. In others, such as varicella-zoster virus and measles virus, the host may be infectious for some period (days, even a week or more) before symptoms are evident.
Furthermore, asymptomatic individuals and people with mild symptoms may carry large amounts of virus in the upper respiratory tract, thus contributing to the rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2.
《NATURE》发表的一篇论文Virological assessment of hospitalized patients with COVID-2019报道了对德国慕尼黑的9例成年患者的详细病毒学分析,这些患者的COVID-19呼吸道疾病症状相对较轻。研究发现,上呼吸道组织的病毒复制水平较高,且上呼吸道在症状出现后的第一周内病毒排出水平较高。随着症状逐渐减轻,作者在症状出现后的第8天依然能从患者的咽拭子和肺组织标本中分离出具有传染性的毒株。其中两位有肺炎早期迹象的患者,其痰液在第10天或第11天时仍持续有高水平的病毒排出。症状消失后,痰液中仍旧可以检测到病毒RNA。
Science杂志上一篇题为“Cryo-EM Structure of the 2019-nCoV Spike in the Prefusion Conformation”的研究论文中,来自美国德克萨斯大学和国家过敏和传染病研究所的研究人员通过联合研究利用冷冻电镜技术解析了新型冠状病毒刺突蛋白(Spike, S)的结构,研究者发现,新冠病毒S蛋白与宿主细胞ACE2之间的亲和力是SARS-CoV-1的10-20倍。Variants bearing D164G and N501Y mutation infect human ACE2 cell lines more efficiently than wild-type virus. Moreover, progeny virus has increased expression of S protein, the S protein has a higher rate of binding to ACE2, and that in vivo viral loads may be higher for this variant. 奥密克戎变异株RBD与人类ACE2受体的结合亲和力,大约比最早的贝塔属原始株高2.4倍。