来自阿姆斯特丹VUMC癌症中心的研究者掌握了一个突破性技术——在早期阶段通过单滴血检测不同类型的癌症。 目前我们主要通过扫描和组织活检来检测癌症,这些方法非常耗时、复杂并且昂贵,如CT扫描可以发现大的肿瘤,但是不能发现早期肿瘤。通过血液检测癌症的方法称为“液体活检”,它最大的优势是可以在早期检测出癌细胞。
首席研究员Tom Würdinger和他的研究团队发现癌症患者血液中的血小板具有特殊的RNA标记,这可以帮助我们进行针对特定肿瘤的DNA的操作。血小板的主要作用是帮助血液正常凝固,但是最近的研究表明,血小板也在癌症肿瘤增长和转移中也起着重要作用。癌症患者的血小板含有特定标记的RNA,可以帮助我们区分96%的健康个体和患有不同类型的癌症患者。
该研究结果已经发表在“Cancer Cell ”,题为“RNA-Seq of Tumor-Educated Platelets Enables Blood-Based Pan-Cancer, Multiclass, and Molecular Pathway Cancer Diagnostics”。
Summary:Tumor-educated blood platelets (TEPs) are implicated as central players in the systemic and local responses to tumor growth, thereby altering their RNA profile. We determined the diagnostic potential of TEPs by mRNA sequencing of 283 platelet samples. We distinguished 228 patients with localized and metastasized tumors from 55 healthy individuals with 96% accuracy. Across six different tumor types, the location of the primary tumor was correctly identified with 71% accuracy. Also, MET or HER2-positive, and mutant KRAS, EGFR, orPIK3CA tumors were accurately distinguished using surrogate TEP mRNA profiles. Our results indicate that blood platelets provide a valuable platform for pan-cancer, multiclass cancer, and companion diagnostics, possibly enabling clinical advances in blood-based “liquid biopsies”.