本帖最后由 Biodog 于 2015-9-25 19:27 编辑
病毒病所应急技术中心实验室马不停蹄地开展了对病人呼吸道样品进行病毒全基因组测序,在72小时内获得并上传了韩国疫情爆发以来的第一株MERS病毒全基因组序列(GenBank登录号为KT006149,发表于美国微生物学会杂志Genome Announc. 2015 Aug 13;3(4).),第一时间与WHO及韩国专家进行数据共享分析,为MERS-CoV疫情防控提供重要科学依据。
著名学者W. Ian Lipkin教授(哥伦比亚大学公卫学院)在同期MBio杂志发表评论文章对该发现给予了高度评价。而美国纽约的科学网站GenomeWeb也发表专文,对该发现进行介绍与新闻评论。一致认为这是中国学者在MERS-CoV研究上一项重要科学发现,该发现对于进一步分析韩国疫情暴发特点、研究MERS-CoV的传播能力和致病性等有重要启示,也显示了中国学者在2003年SARS流行后应对新发传染病科研能力上的重大提升。
原文:http://mbio.asm.org/content/6/5/e01280-15Origin and Possible Genetic Recombination of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus from the First Imported Case in China: Phylogenetics and Coalescence Analysis摘要:The Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) causes a severe acute respiratory tract infection with a high fatality rate in humans. Coronaviruses are capable of infecting multiple species and can evolve rapidly through recombination events. Here, we report the complete genomic sequence analysis of a MERS-CoV strain imported to China from South Korea. The imported virus, provisionally named ChinaGD01, belongs to group 3 in clade B in the whole-genome phylogenetic tree and also has a similar tree topology structure in the open reading frame 1a and -b (ORF1ab) gene segment but clusters with group 5 of clade B in the tree constructed using the S gene. Genetic recombination analysis and lineage-specific single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) comparison suggest that the imported virus is a recombinant comprising group 3 and group 5 elements. The time-resolved phylogenetic estimation indicates that the recombination event likely occurred in the second half of 2014. Genetic recombination events between group 3 and group 5 of clade B may have implications for the transmissibility of the virus. |