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近期,中国科学院武汉病毒研究所王华林研究员学科组在新发白蛉病毒拮抗宿主天然免疫的研究中取得新进展,发现美国中东部地区流行的Heartland virus(HRTV)采用了一种与SFTSV有明显差别的固有免疫抑制机制,相关成果发表在国际知名期刊Journal of Biological Chemistry上。
近年来,世界各地陆续发现了多种重要的新型白蛉病毒,其中包括首先在我国分离鉴定的发热伴血小板减少综合征病毒(severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus,SFTSV)以及在美国中东部地区流行的Heartland virus(HRTV)等,这些新发病毒可感染人类并导致严重的急性传染病。当前,以HRTV和SFTSV为代表的新型白蛉病毒已在世界范围内对公共健康造成了严峻威胁。
王华林研究员学科组的前期研究发现SFTSV可利用其NSs蛋白将宿主激酶TBK1/IKKε和转录因子STAT2/STAT1等不可逆地劫持到病毒包涵体(inclusion body,IB)中,从而阻断宿主的固有免疫反应,并提出了一种 “病毒包涵体监狱”假说(Ning et al.,2014,JMCB;Ning et al., 2015, JVI)。但HRTV是否具有类似的免疫抑制能力并不清楚。该学科组最新的这项研究发现HRTV NSs同样具有对干扰素系统的强烈抑制活性,但有意思的是HRTV NSs并未诱导明显的包涵体形成,而且进一步研究发现HRTV采用了一种与SFTSV有明显差别的固有免疫抑制机制:HRTV虽可同样利用其NSs靶向宿主激酶TBK1,但这一作用并没有导致“NSs-TBK1-IRF3”复合物的形成或将其劫持在任何类似包涵体的结构中,而是阻断了TBK1与其底物IRF3的互作,从而抑制了干扰素及其他炎症因子的诱导。
图:HRTV NSs与SFTSV NSs对TBK1-IRF3信号的差异性调节机制模式图
Title:Heartland virus NSs protein disrupts host defenses by blocking the TBK1 kinase-IRF3 transcription factor interaction and signaling required for interferon induction
DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M117.805127
Abstract:Heartland virus (HRTV) is a pathogenic phlebovirus related to the severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV), another phlebovirus causing life-threatening diseases in humans. Previous findings have suggested that SFTSV can antagonize the host interferon (IFN) system via viral nonstructural protein (NSs)-mediated sequestration of antiviral signaling proteins into NSs-induced inclusion bodies (IBs). However, whether and how HRTV counteracts the host innate immunity is unknown. Here, we report that HRTV NSs (HNSs) also antagonizes IFN and cytokine induction and bolsters viral replication, although no noticeable IB formation was observed in HNSs-expressing cells. Furthermore, HNSs inhibited the virus-triggered activation of IFN-β promoter by specifically targeting the IFN-stimulated response element (ISRE) but not the NF-κB response element. Consistently, HNSs blocked the phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of IFN regulatory factor 3 (IRF3, an ISRE-activating transcription factor). Reporter gene assays next showed that HNSs interrupts the antiviral signaling mediated by RIG-I-like receptors likely at the level of TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK1). Indeed, HNSs strongly interacts with TBK1 as indicated by confocal microscopy and pulldown analyses, and we also noted that the scaffold dimerization domain of TBK1 is required for the TBK1-HNSs interaction. Finally, pulldown assays demonstrated that HNSs expression dose-dependently diminishes a TBK1-IRF3 interaction, further explaining the mechanism for HNSs function. Collectively, these data suggest that HNSs, an antagonist of host innate immunity, interacts with TBK1 and thereby hinders the association of TBK1 with its substrate IRF3, thus blocking IRF3 activation and transcriptional induction of the cellular antiviral responses.
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