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发表于 2015-7-19 09:27:41
Microscopy: Electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, living cell imaging, cryo-microscopy, etc.
各种电镜技术,从刚刚开始的电镜 (electron microscopy) 到现在各式各样的先进的电镜。 越来越多的应用到植物病毒的研究中来,让病毒研究更加直观,可视化。比如下面两篇文献:
Wei, T., C. Zhang, et al. (2010). "Formation of Complexes at Plasmodesmata for Potyvirus Intercellular Movement Is Mediated by the Viral Protein P3N-PIPO." Plos Pathogens: -.
Intercellular transport of viruses through cytoplasmic connections, termed plasmodesmata (PD), is essential for systemic infection in plants by viruses. Previous genetic and ultrastructural data revealed that the potyvirus cyclindrical inclusion (CI) protein is directly involved in cell-to-cell movement, likely through the formation of conical structures anchored to and extended through PD. In this study, we demonstrate that plasmodesmatal localization of CI in N. benthamiana leaf cells is modulated by the recently discovered potyviral protein, P3N-PIPO, in a CI: P3N-PIPO ratio-dependent manner. We show that P3N-PIPO is a PD-located protein that physically interacts with CI in planta. The early secretory pathway, rather than the actomyosin motility system, is required for the delivery of P3N-PIPO and CI to PD. Moreover, CI mutations that disrupt virus cell-to-cell movement compromise PD-localization capacity. These data suggest that the CI and P3N-PIPO complex coordinates the formation of PD-associated structures that facilitate the intercellular movement of potyviruses in infected plants.
Wei, T., T. Huang, et al. (2010). "Sequential Recruitment of the Endoplasmic Reticulum and Chloroplasts for Plant Potyvirus Replication." Journal of Virology: 799-809.
The replication of positive-strand RNA viruses occurs in cytoplasmic membrane-bound virus replication complexes (VRCs). Depending on the virus, distinct cellular organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), chloroplast, mitochondrion, endosome, and peroxisome are recruited for the formation of VRC-associated membranous structures. Previously, the 6,000-molecular-weight protein (6K) of plant potyviruses was shown to be an integral membrane protein that induces the formation of 6K-containing membranous vesicles at endoplasmic reticulum (ER) exit sites for potyvirus genome replication. Here, we present evidence that the 6K-induced vesicles predominantly target chloroplasts, where they amalgamate and induce chloroplast membrane invaginations. The vesicular transport pathway and actomyosin motility system are involved in the trafficking of the 6K vesicles from the ER to chloroplasts. Viral RNA, double-stranded RNA, and viral replicase components are concentrated at the 6K vesicles that associate with chloroplasts in infected cells, suggesting that these chloroplast-bound 6K vesicles are the site for potyvirus replication. Taken together, these results suggest that plant potyviruses sequentially recruit the ER and chloroplasts for their genome replication.