原始贴由jbclinnic发表于 2009-5-16 12:01 贴子中的下载链接已失效,期待高手解决
Microbiology is now confronted with the need to understand increasingly complex processes. And the modus operandi that has served us so successfully for 150 years—that of the pure culture studied under standard laboratory conditions—is inadequate.
We are now challenged to solve problems of multimembered populations interacting with each other and with their environment under constantly variable conditions. Carl Woese has pointed out a useful and important distinction between empirical, methodological reductionism and fundamentalist reductionism. The former has served us well; the latter stands in the way of our further understanding of complex, interacting systems. But no matter what kind of synoptic systems analysis emerges as our way of understanding host–parasite relations, ecology, or multicellular behavior, the understanding of the organism as such is sine qua non. And in that context, we are pleased to present to you the third edition of The Prokaryotes.