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by Roger Hull
Hardcover: 1056 pages
Publisher: Academic Press; 4 edition (October 9, 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0123611601
ISBN-13: 978-0123611604
Product Dimensions: 10.1 x 7.8 x 1.8 inches
Editorial Reviews
"...this book is still unique, being the most comprehensive survey of classic and modern plant virology."
"The book is strong in its coverage of recent developments. This is a book for the advanced student and researcher."
-Ron Fraser for MICROBIOLOGY TODAY (2002)
Product Description
It has been ten years since the publication of the third edition of this seminal text on plant virology, during which there has been an explosion of conceptual and factual advances. The fourth edition updates and revises many details of the previous editon, while retaining the important older results that constitute the field's conceptual foundation.
Key features of the fourth edition include:
* Thumbnail sketches of each genera and family groups
* Genome maps of all genera for which they are known
* Genetic engineered resistance strategies for virus disease control
* Latest understanding of virus interactions with plants, including gene silencing
* Interactions between viruses and insect, fungal, and nematode vectors
* New plate section containing over 50 full-color illustrations
《马修斯植物病毒学》第三版出版以来的十年间,植物病毒学领域又有了令人瞩目的发展。这部得到读者厚爱的专著现在由罗杰·赫尔(Roger Hull)教授执笔又得以及时更新。《马修斯植物病毒学》第四版除增加了大量彩色图版外,还详细介绍了这个发展迅速的领域中许多重要的新进展,包括生物学与生态植物病毒学、植物基因工程、分子病毒学、分子结构以及寄主与病毒互作等多方面的内容。